This is the question that is running through my head tonight.
I just finished grading my classes first exam of the semester. And to be honest, it is the first exam I have ever written completely ON MY OWN. And let's just say, the grades are not too stellar.
The highest grades were a pair of 85s. The lowest? A 20. Yes, you read that right. A 20.
Now some of my thoughts:
- there was not a single question that everyone in the class got wrong. If that was the case, I would have deemed it either a) a really badly phrased question or b) a topic that I did not teach well, and promptly discarded that question.
- I admit that I took some questions from the text bank provided with the book. I looked through all the provided test questions, and found a couple that I thought were good. So I used those. Turns out the students did worse on the "book" questions than on questions I personally made up. So either my questions are WAY too easy or the book's questions are way too hard.
- The student that scored a 20 has only attended one class of the 7 we have had so far (our class meets once a week for 3 hours each session). This particular individual has also never contacted me via e-mail or during my office hours to ask for help. Does that mean I think the 20 is warranted? Not sure.
- I posted a study guide for the exam on the classes website. On the website, I can track how many people, and importantly which people, downloaded the study guide. Of my class of 32 students, only 8 students downloaded the study guide. Now, I know that that does not imply the rest did not get the study guide from one of the 8 that actually downloaded it, but I find it a tad unlikely that ALL remaining 24 students got a copy of the study guide from a classmate.
- The 2 students that scored the 85s did not download the study guide.
So now the questions in my head are:
1) Do I let them correct their exam and offer them some points for the correction? Say 1/4 point for each correction?
2) Do I change my style of teaching?
3) Do I just hang up the "professor"hood and pick a new profession?
(Note- 3 is probably the least likely)